National Macaroni and Cheese Day and EDP Link!
Some fascinating facts about Mac & Cheese
- Mac & cheese is not only a delicious dish, but it is an official crayon color as well. In 1993, Crayola named one of its crayon colors ‘Macaroni and Cheese.’
- Mac & cheese is considered a national dish in Canada. Plus, a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese is actually the most-purchased grocery product in the country.
- History of National Mac & Cheese Day
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The History of National Mac & Cheese Day is the history of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, known throughout the world by various names, including simply Kraft Dinner in the Canada. While it seems a simple thing, a dish of macaroni with cheese, it was in fact quite an innovation for its time and started an important tradition in ready to prepare foods.
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese was created as a response to the trying times of the great depression, there was a salesman who had an innovative idea. That idea being the sale of both cheese and macaroni together, so he began attaching packages of grated cheese to boxes of pasta. In part due to the conditions of its release, it became an absolute success.
World War II saw the rationing of milk and dairy products, and due to shortages, many families were relying on dishes that had little meat in it. Macaroni and Cheese seemed the obvious solution and so its popularity spread like wildfire. James Lewis Kraft patented an important method of processing cheese that gave Kraft Macaroni & Cheese its unique orange color and has served as a signature trait of the product ever since.