Today is Autumn Equinox-The First Day of Fall


Happy Autumn Equinox

Today is the first day of Fall which
makes it Autumn Equinox

For fall lovers like myself,
It's the most wonderful time of the year 

Do you like fall?

What are some of your favorite fall activities?
-I like fall bonfires, apple pies, taking walks or horseback rides to look at the beautiful colors and I enjoy taking outdoor photos, especially this time of year-.

a pile of autumn leaves
Take a moment and share your favorite fall activities with me!

Read on to learn more about

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You can tell it's the beginning of fall when the leaves begin to change color, the air feels a bit crisper and Halloween costumes and candy have already arrived in the stores. 

Balancing Act

The Fall Equinox is the first day of fall and signifies the start of shorter days and longer nights in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite takes place. 

On this day, both day and night are equal, with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark.

The balance of light and dark also happens on the Spring Equinox but in the spring, the days (light hours) become longer and the nights (dark hours) become shorter.

Autumn Equinox Diagram

Astrological Significance

The astrological sign Libra also begins on the Fall Equinox. Libra's astrological symbol is based on the Equinox. Libra's symbol is a scale - representing the balance of light and dark.

A Pagan's Paradise

The Autumn Equinox is also known as the Pagan holiday, Mabon. It is on this day that Pagans celebrate balance, the harvest season and Thanksgiving. 

On the Autumn Equinox, food, such as dried vegetables, is offered back to the Earth in a gesture of thanks for all that the Earth has supplied in the past season.


If you're looking for things to do for the Autumn Equinox, why not help out with some yard work

Pick up the fallen apples or rake the leaves. This way, you'll be helping your 'rents while being out in nature at the same time. 

If that doesn't sound too appealing to you, then how about having some friends over to bake an apple pie or to make some fall crafts?


Happy Autumn Equinox! 

Have a Great Day!

leaf flyer

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