Rock Painting


I have been a 'Rock Painter' for as long as I can remember. As a young kid, I painted them as Christmas gifts. We used a lot more paper when I was a kid than we do today and people-mostly family- seemed to find my painted rocks most useful as paper weights.

As a teenager, I found painting rocks enjoyable when I didn't have anything else handy to paint on. When I was a kid, I painted fun, colorful rocks but as a teenager I painted serious rocks, with serious scenes on them such as old barns and other types of landscape scenes that were embedded in my mind.

However you choose to paint a rock is up to you. Give it a try! Fun Fact: Art is good for the mind, the spirit, the body and the soul!! 

How the Brain is Affected by Art

I'm thinking about placing the rocks that I paint around the city for people to find. Maybe it will make someone's day or at the very least, bring a smile to their face. Maybe a child will find my painted rock and think it's beautiful! There are endless possibilities of where my rock might end up. Maybe you will find one!

Below are some rock painting ideas that I found online. 

I will post my very own painted rocks next week. 

If you decide to paint rocks, please take pictures and send me your painted rocks!

Reach out if you'd like to paint rocks together. I will provide all the supplies. 

Finally, did you know that Christmas, 1975, 1.5 million people purchased Pet Rocks? True story! 

The Pet Rock Captured a Moment and Made Its Creator a Millionaire

Supplies needed: 

Rocks- they are everywhere and best of all- they are FREE !! Smooth ones work best. Wash and let the rocks dry first.

Paint-Nothing fancy! Walmart Acrylic 50 cents a tube Apple Barrel Acrylic Craft Paint

Paint Brushes-Again, nothing fancy! 4 Piece Paint Brush Set

Optional Fanciness: 

Walmart: 97 cents for 80  Wiggly Eyes and glue-92 cents Elmer's School Glue

Ideas and Inspirations !

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