🎉Welcome to the Latest Issues of Connecting the Links Three Rivers and Schoolcraft 🥳 😊 Connecting the Links Three Rivers 😊 Connecting the Links Schoolcraft 😊 Also..... Questions? Contacting Me Is Super Easy Link Learning Center: 269-244-4656 (Call) Mobile # 616-259-6399 (Text) Facebook: Kelly Link Learning Email: kisaias@homeoftheshamrocks.org Pulse and Google Chat
The last day of school for me was always like a really AWESOME combination of 🎃 H al lo we en , 🎄 C h ri st m a s and my 🎂 B i r t h da y . As a kid, I wasn't a big fan of school but I LOVED summer vacation. The freedom of being off from school, No teachers, No schoolwork, sleeping in, hanging out with friends, family vacations, the beach and so on!! Oh how the possibilities of Grand Adventure felt endless! 😊 🎉 This year the last day of school is June 7! You can continue to study during the summer. Y our Mentors will be available. or You can take the Summer Off. What are your plans for the summer? What makes summer special for you? I will be at the center (269-244-4656) all summer and if you'd like to get together for coffee or lunch let me know! My treat! Let's get together and do something fun! Let's get together and talk. I am here for you! You can find me on Pulse, Google Hangouts, Facebook, Email or by Text (616-25...
You're Not Alone (Click👆To Learn More) Summer can be an awesome time to discover new things and have fun with family and friends. Sometimes, though, summer brings depression and anxiety especially for those who struggle throughout the year. Seasonal depression during the summer may sound oxymoronic. After all, isn’t seasonal depression more common during the winter and shouldn’t we be happy to officially be out of school for the summer? Seasonal depression, although more common in the winter, also occurs in the summer. Many experts believe this is related to changes in schedule and the sleep-wake cycles with the longer days and shorter nights, as well as the hot, humid temperatures. Specific symptoms of summer depression often include loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, weight loss and anxiety . Did you know that 1 in 5 teens struggle with their mental health? 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14. 2022 ...